In 1907, during the next banking crisis, the United States created a commission and decided to think about how to make everything OK with banks in the United States, or rather decided to arrange the world order in their own way.
Indeed, if they periodically burst and create an image that everything is not okay with them, then those who drag money from their homelands in the USA may doubt whether it is worth dragging it there. Especially important in anticipation of two world wars. Well, a stable system needs to be created several years before the impending world wars, so that those who drag money to America have a strong opinion about where to loot if something happens. And the war itself also needs to be financed.
In 1910, having gathered on the island of Jekyll and taking a Jew (they can’t live without them), six financiers decided how to make America great. What they specifically did ten days on the island remains a mystery, but then the island was bought by the local state of Georgia (to hide the traces of men's love).
They chose that let's all together (banks) create a system (how to control the whole world), both banks and the state will participate. For some, private for others is public, only this already causes a nervous shiver.
Here, apparently, someone raised the idea that there is not enough liquidity (gold) and we need to come up with someone to crap gold from him. In USA banks already has a lot of gold, but they so eager to gold, that on the proposal to give gold them, they rejected.
Well, if your banks do not give gold, then you need to take it from someone else. We will take gold as collateral from Russia, which has already managed to merge it there, at the suggestion of Minister Witte, with the approval of Nicholas 2 (creation of an international monetary financial system). And since war and revolution are coming soon, you will look there and the documents will be lost and someone will shoot the king. And they will forget about gold.
Russia had already brought gold, China also threw a little, and since the war is about to begin, it is urgent to announce the creation of a federal reserve system, which was done in December 1913, 8 months before the start of the First World War.
After World War I, the result was so overwhelming - the influx of money to the US from war countries, the loans of warring parties and, of course, lost documents that the United States owed money for Russian gold.
The created structure already showed itself well in the great depression - they did not give money to many small banks and thus got rid of their competitors.
The main tenets on which the Fed founded are secrecy and the absence of checks on key operations. After all, it is impossible that the financing of the Third Reich or young Soviet Russia fell into the media.
The latter fought so much with each other that Amerike had to introduce a marshal's plan in post-war Europe. For which it is clear who gave the money.
Here the United States did not do much ineptly and the French already in 1965 asked for their gold back, which ultimately destroyed the gold standard of the dollar, caused inflation in the USA in the 80s and they already had to destroy the USSR so that the image of the world hegemon would not get fucked up.
Paul Adolph Volcker did outstanding decision to deal with inflation, he decreased printing money. But that, caused confrontation with bankers and Reagan kicked him out.
After Adolf, a Jew Alan Grinspen was put in his place. On began to gradually raise Fed rates, saying that everything was fine with the US economy, but what else could happen after the collapse of the USSR? And in 2008, this became one of the causes of the mortgage crisis in the USA and the financial crisis in the entire world. That time the Fed was lead another Jew , elected in 2006 Ben Shalom Bernanke.
Bernanke did not invent something new, and continuing to print money, even in crisis, even one time he said thats a good idea to print money in crisis.
In 2009, a dumb American senator Alan Grayson suddenly decided to ask the chief financial inspector of the Fed where the money is? Where did 9 trillion go, to which he received an answer, go to hell crap.
In 2014, everyone was tired of two Jews in a row, who managed to print a lot of money, and put the woman in the chair. Everything is fine with her, but there is only one problem. It’s impossible for a stupid fool to explain that, even though the Fed is independent, during the time of President Trump, she must do what he wants.
Thats why In 2018, she was replaced by Jarom Powell, who turned gray-haired, stubbornly fulfills all the decisions of TRUMP and pretends that everything is in order with him.