Today the fifth year anniversary of Paris most awful terror acts in France history. But since that time terror acts continues in France republic.
The terror become regular in Europe, and other West countrie, but they don't like to remember about passed terror acts.
The history of the terror itself is very ancient, but the spread of the term around the world was caused by mass terror in France. During the actions massacre of the French Revolution, where everything ended with the coming to power of Napoleon and the introduction of strict censorship in the media.
At the same time, chopping off the head was very popular, although mainly with the help of a guillotine.
Some believe that the homeland of terror is Russia, where in the 19th century there was a movements of terrorists. The most famouse was Narodnaya Volya (Russian: Наро́дная во́ля, IPA: [nɐˈrodnəjə ˈvolʲə], lit. 'People's Will') was a 19th-century revolutionary political organization in the Russian Empire which conducted assassinations of government officials in an attempt to overthrow the autocratic system and stop the Government reforms of Alexander II of Russia.
However, in both countries there was a strong craving for social justice, and its achievement by radical methods.
However, the very dawn of terrorism happened 30 years after the end of the Second World War. Apparently by that time some people were disappointed in its results.
The very phenomenon of terrorism has many opinions about its causes. Although the overall result for terrorists - to become famous known is achieved.
And since it is even more difficult to become famous from the good side, to put it mildly, and besides, it is even more difficult to change anything in the world, for example, (to forbid the caricatures of Muhammad) the people, who have a lack of intelligence, takes extreme measures.
So a young Russian of Chechen origin did not find another method how to deprive the history teacher of his head, which is written in the history textbooks of the French Revolution. A couple of years earlier(2013), a Russian of Chechen origin, too, staged a terror act in Boston. He also and his French colleague received political asylum in the host country.
Although, during the war in Chechnya, Russia was strongly criticized by the West for military actions against the Chechen people, and Chechens received asylum in Western countries.
Now the fight against Islamic terrorism has been going on for over 20 years, and we see no end to it.