Fake news media please turn off your cameras told Donald J. Trump his supporters during the meeting. Even in United states probably the only one big country in the world which officially didn't have states media. And there are a lot of Media companies in America. In anyway it's usually third world country leaders speech that they lost because of fraud with counting votes, bad medias and others not fair actions.

4 years ago D Trump promised to make America great again and again after his reelection, but something went wrong and now we have a new president of states and a siege riot of capitol senate in a day when his friend vice-president should confirm results of election and declare a new president of united states of America.

The author of this article also was sure that the victory of Trump in the 2020 was decided in 2016, but now I think that too many people thought the same, thats why they decided to allow Biden's victory. Otherwise the believe in fair Democratic presidential elections can be under the big threat that America definitely can't afford.

The victory of Trump in 2016 was stunning, but his last days as a president also stunning for American authorities. Trump understood that he has nothing to lose and provocated actions that shocked American lawmakers.

Probably we never know what really happened. Trump might only thought that his speech can cause the Sturm of parliament, but this sturm made a lot of American authorities angry in anyway.

Now he faced the second impeachment, the first one failed miserably, even it's just only one week that he can be in the wight house.

The real thing is what realy happened. The action show for us that Americans increasing there internal spliting on left-socialists and right-wing forces. The problem of right-wing followers that they can't be public. There ideas sounds very bad in any public place. But there resistance for current American polices increasing. Their big problem how to act, to show there discontent.

So what happen in the future nobody's know. Now more and more Americans buy arms. Some full truck of arms police found after capitol sturm. And the last inability to find compromise bettwen right-wing and left-socialists or liberals and conservatives passed way to civil war in U.S.A....
