In honor of the 150th anniversary of Lenin.

Is he a hero or a villain? The debate has not subsided so far.

Posted by S.S. on April 22, 2020

Today 150 passed since was born the leader of wold proletariat Vladimir Lenin. The most successful Russian Guy for more then 1000 years history. He lays in mousoleum in Moscow Red aqure and gaves a hope for justice for millions labor workers around the globe.

Born in rich Russian Family, having more than 20 nationalities in ancestors, including Jew, he studied Law in University in KAZAN. He took part in social union"zemlyachestvo"(That was very popular in that time beetween students organize differetnt student unions and go on protests marshs with claiming goverment in everything, from giving rigths to peasants to strong stench of socks in the classrooms of the university), he clashed with police, and was expelled from university and step on way of irreconcilable opposition

Ministry of Internal Affairs exiled him to his family's Kokushkino estate(nice place to thing about sence of life). There, he read voraciously, becoming enamoured with Nikolay Chernyshevsky's 1863 pro-revolutionary novel What Is To Be Done?.

Then he rerurnd to Kazan, he joined Nikolai Fedoseev's revolutionary circle, through which he discovered Karl Marx's 1867 book Capital. This sparked his interest in Marxism, a socio-political theory that argued that society developed in stages, that this development resulted from class struggle, and that capitalist society would ultimately give way to socialist society and then communist society. And his mother again paved him way to communizm bring him to country side where a good place to rethink the ideas of Jew Karl Marks. After then he Moved to capital Sankt peterburg to unite different radical politicians by his lead and meticulously covered his tracks, knowing that police spies tried to infiltrate the movement.

In spite of that ,In February 1897, he was sentenced for three years in Siberia, where was forced him to become in very strong irreconcilable opposition to government.

Spending time in Siberia he uderstand that, must to study how to organize revolution from europinian radical politicans, even Russia always get experience from Europe. Why do not take experince in Europe , how to organize revolution?

He lived in different europinian cities (Paris, Munich,Geneva), but the best information he got in London(The second RSDLP Congress was held in London in July 1903,the Third RSDLP Congress, held in London in April 1905),becoming friends with fellow Russian Marxist Jew Leon Trotsky.

The events of First Russian revolution in 1905 year confirmed his conviction in using violence to every enemy even if he was his friend yesterday(Mensheviks and others).

Having succeeded in the actions of the combat wing of the RSDLP, Stalin convinced Lenin of the right path and earned his great trust.

The violence birth more violence. The military under goverment did mass terror and succesed in first Russian revolution in 1905 year. Convicted him that only more great Terror(Red Terror) can Win in Russia. In doing so, he adopted slogans regarding "armed insurrection", "mass terror", and "the expropriation of gentry land".

The terror in river Lena, militaries killed a lot of peaceful labors workes from gold miners(The company registred and had headquarters in London) in 1912 was not enough to spark revolution, but two years later England sparked germans and others to war, where the violents was ennourmous.

The war give birth for so many radical politics and terrorism, that the revolution in Russia happend in 1917 twice. Finaly Jew-Bolshevic took his rule of the country and strengthed the leadership with Red Terror.

The Red Terror did his deal, Lenin and Stalin were not captured, because they became leaders of state. The Lenin Became a world Idol, his legacy spread over the world.

Volkogonov claimed that "there can scarcely have been another man in history who managed so profoundly to change so large a society on such a scale". Lenin's administration laid the framework for the system of government that ruled Russia for seven decades and provided the model for later Communist-led states that came to cover a third of the inhabited world in the mid-20th century.

The ennormous number of things named after him, erected big number of Busts or statues, issuses published on different languages around the globe, and left-wing movements , that periodically make governments of different countries tremble.
