The first computer appeared after the WWII in the U.S.A. and quickly became mainstream in research in this field because by rumors it was used to create an atomic bomb, which enormously destroying power was confirmed after the bombing the Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The effect of using computer at first in the arming field was so important that the Soviet Union after the end of the world war 2 seeing the quickly increasing the confrontation between the East and west, decided to develop it's own computers. And by some data he was ahead in research and developing computers in 1950-es.
But with a severals huge mistakes in 60-es, already in 1969 year the ministry of Radio-electronic industry in the Soviet union decided to copy the American computer IBM-360.
In the 1970-es it was possible using the microscope. One university teacher told a story that one's on the processor plate the American wrote a phrase- “When you stop to copying our processors.”
Later in the 1980-es it became impossible and Soviets started to buy all computers and technologies from the U.S.A only increase the technology dependents on U.S. and after collapse just became kind of a "satellite of USA" or a colony.
Now Russia is declared by America as a threat,but it still under huge technology dependence on the U.S.A and in some key problems can't do something in confrontation with States.
Now the main political mainstream is trade and technology confrontation between China and U.S.A. And it a little bit different compare to what was with USSR.
At the beginning the Soviets use their own processors and then started to copy Americans later, after collapse, started buy the ready product from U.S.
In case of China bought at first all computers ready to use from U.S., now it's the main produce of computers and key parts of it. The only problem that he has - processors.
It's developing is still a tricky thing. Key component of the personal computer is central processor. The author of the article is very well know the features of it's first processors and his friends in that time also. And the most big wish in that time was to have the more powerful central processor then a friend has.
Now since that time the more than 20 years passed and now he usually takes with him 4 computers(processors) compare to only one desktop processor that he has more than 20 years ago. And now even he don't the names of the processors in his 4 devices.
The producers of the chips already know that fact. Even they became more important in our daily life we don't feel the importance of them because they became like toothbrush for us.
That the reason why the producers made a chip shortage and number of articles about of that appeared in the world media.
The consumers didn't feel any trouble, because it's not food, but the producers did all, try us to feel, how they are important.
The articles that world auto industry halts the conveyor lines, because of chips shortage. (Now chips widely used in the cars, because modern drivers has very big troubles with parking their car.) The head of Intel declared that too many chips are produced in Asia... And U.S. blacklists seven Chineese companies which widly use chips, shows us that in chip technology the only one real thing, that can drive not only world economy, but also world order.