
We need it

Posted by S.S. on April 22, 2020

So the coronavirus lockdown spreading over the world. Everyone faces the incredible changes in economy. Lets talk about energy. it is one of the most controversial topics, ok let's talk about why. In last decades the Greens, did a lot of efforts to boost the using renewable and non carbon Energy sources. As a result the proportion of primary energy supplied by renewables reaches 15% now in 2020 and can reaches the 60% in 2050. The using Energy politics in the world till 90s was just growing the consumption, caused by increasing number of using electronic and electric devices. The world did not care about the resources of energy we use for daily consumtion, just used the cheaper ones. That in that time was Coal , gas ,oil. The main produces CO2 in the present world. Later the price of carbon energy grown sharply, also the concern of increasing CO2 in atmosphere. The confrontation between supporters and opponents of the use of fossil fuels led the present world uses a lot of number renewal energy, mainly from wind and solar. And big surprize, the world knew that we can use the cheap energy everywere we need in the world (The problem with that has only in some north territories with big density population like england for instance). Yes, that's as I already mentioned there is no problem with energy in the world. But in every article about energy you read about problems that every type of energy faces. The market for energy is very sensitive, because a lot of evidence of how energy is important we face everyday, even sceptics get great evidence via great energy blackouts. Every government want control their people, and energy is one of the source of it. The ideal situation for government to have one big switcher for electricity to control the society. Thats the main reason why we see that big energy power stations dominates in this world. Ok government in every country want in ideal situation one power plant and one switcher for all country but it doesn't exists, let's look why. The first reason the developing energy started from the small energy power plants one. The second the capitalistic competitiveness and actions destroying monopolism. The third some freedom in using source of energy, for example cheap natural gas. As a result in 90 we have big energy plants, and energy grids designed for this(big energy plants) energy producers and existing consumption structure. And Here came green energy. They don not use fossil fuels or even uranium. There fuel (wind and solar everywhere) and free. They reduced the capital costs and now there renewable power cheper than any other ones. They dont need to pay for fuel, even the service of them is also relatively cheap. And in some cases in Germany for instance. Buildings in the Solar Settlement at Schlierberg incorporate rooftop solar panels and are built for maximum energy efficiency. As a result, they produce more energy than they consume... And now we get negative prices for oil. So What happen next. I guees it will be a big fight in energy sphere between everyone for consumers and they will use goverment to promote their type of energy. Who will win nobody knows, but I am sure that Nuclerr and Oil and Natural Gas still will be kind of "Thing" in world energy.
