OK Lets take some summurise of corovovirus, and pendemiay time.
The new hottest summer in Russia for almost 140 years because of global warming. It Made climate activists angry, but probably this year they forgot about that, because of stunning pandemia.

The protests are in all over the world against racism, but no one was charged for breaking isolation rules. And police continue shooting “blacks” despite the protests time. The protestast ask for desbanding police, but probably they don't know russian history. In 1917 the russian police forces was alredy in the state of disbanding. Violence, robbery grown so ruppidly, even the citiesens of big cities 24 hour protected there houses.
The countries quarantine and without it, face the same number of death, if we of course include all factors population, the number of old people there health, readiness of medical system and really a lot of different number of factors.
Countries like Sweden and Belarus proves it. Even the journalists from the most thriving countries try to find that Sweden suffered more than others.
On youtube a lot of musicians and other performes reached new record number of watchers. The people in the world try to find themselvs online but cannot. Even a lot of people enrolled in online studing during this weeks, so the job market get a huge bunch of new high class specialists ? I guess no. My experince show that there is no such big dependence the quality of job on education as its decribed in a lot of advertisments.
Europe is building defenses against Chinese takeovers of key industries. "We need the right tools to ensure that foreign subsidies do not discort our market, just as we do with national subsidies," Margrethe Vestager, the Commission official in charge of competition and digital policy, said in a statement.
In principal any subsidies discort market but to go on way with fight against China is neccesary issue. Is'n it? The Europe also and may be more then USA dont happy when she see that chinese manufacturies producing woman bags LOUIS VUITTON for 5$. But to start the open trade war with China its not european diplomacy, better way to wait till USA exegarate the problems with China and then start some actions when they will be in a shadow of America actions. May be Europeneans more then Americans don't want to see Chineese tops beetween managers of europenean copanies, but greatly afraid to recognize that.
And in a India took some actions on their border with china at high mountains, I guess both of them was just provoked by third side. What side? Try to find by yourself.