
Yea, everyone need water, but most of knowledge about that also.

Posted by S.S. on July 31, 2020

Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients. Its chemical formula is H2O, meaning that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, connected by covalent bonds.

One of the most underestimated and few considred theme in Media the problem of using water. We a lot listen from Media about the problem global warming, but who knows that main reason of global warming is water in the air, instead of CO2. But the importance of water in our life, changes our fight with global warmig, to the second main contributor Co2, with whom developed countries heroically fighting for.

The lack of water to the south and east of midterranian sea, that increased for thausands of years, dramatically changed the landscape wich changed the culture of civilizations there. From number one countries in the world 4000 years ago to unstable economically and politically third-world countries, thriving of a lot of social problems.

The melting of claciers in Antarctica Greenland and other places can cause flouding some sensetive places. But even in the worst case when sea-level will rise to 6 meters, the square of teritory will be underwater is extrimly low. And we know Niderlands succseefully fight with sea for the land.

For years was used the fear in fron of water. A travel barrier, still used as a migration barrier. And still used as a source of tortue. The naci provided an experiment when they give only salt water to gipsy, looking how they lick the water off the floor some days later. The Americans was accused in using water for tortue in their base guantanomo in Cuba.

Now in a lot of countries even in not rich countries also we see how people buy pure water. Sometimes pay for that more money then it should be.

We buy more and more just pure water. It's much easy for goverments to make water we use everyday enough clen for drinking, but the trust to goverments decrease, especialy as everyone face, how they manage the pandemic situation. The intercontinental trading of water will increase. The projects by acriculture in desert are remaing the researching projects, without going to big bussiness scale which can really change the situation. Because I guess some people don't want that the population of north Africa and middle East contunier growing. There is a lot kind of controll the grow of population but by controlling water resources it's the most effective and secretive. In central Asia the soviet management of water resources led to disappearing Aral Sea and boom of population growing in neibour countries. In Arfica deforestation led to growing desert good barrier for rapid growing popultion in Sahara area. As the result in Nigeria more people then in half African continent.

And the last one the author of this read a book about the Ice Ages of our planet. The periods of gloable warming and freezing are very long (thouthands of years), but one spike of last decade allows a lot of not enough educated scientists write scary scenarios and ask more money for researching and for bussiness corporations. As is said in Russia - A scare has big EYES...


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