Now, when the world edicted to covid restrictions, anyone can forget about the measures and that was taken to prevent new World War. And some people also can find that good fight is better then bad peace or covid restrictions.
The past years a lot of Media write an articles about parallels in historical events that happened now and 100 year ago.
The first article was written in 2014. The disturbing parallels between pre-WWI and today
The second article was written in 2016. The world today looks ominously like it did before World War I
The third article was written in 2018. A hundred years after WWI, haunting parallels between America’s Trump and Germany’s Wilhelm
And the fourth article in 2020.Coronavirus has Eerie Parallels with the First World War. Its Effects Will Likely be the Same, Too
Before leaving Japan in 2019, a strange man told me that there would be a war all against all. That I took as another of his delusional statements. Now, seeing how governments and populations react to the coronavirus, I don't think so.
And although the disputed territories still exist and even conflicts arise because of them, it is extremely difficult to imagine that large forces in the world (and without them, of course, there will be no third world War) can be drawn into a conflict with each other for a lasting long time.
The same Japan and Korea have disputed territories and sometimes even show that they are not averse to fighting each other. Here's just how to do this if both have American military bases on the territory and both are very dependent on the United States.
In other regions, there are also conflicts, for example, not long-standing between Armenia and Azerbaijan. And it ended very quickly so that Pompeo only after the signing of the peace treaty managed to declare that America would also like to participate.
One of the interesting results of the Second World War was that with the development of nuclear and missile weapons, the war ceased to be a contact war. That is, when one soldier comes face to face with another. (That probably happened in Karabakh conflict)
And the war in Korea, which began a couple of years after the end of World War II, confirmed not only this, but also another interesting fact - that a clash between large forces on a straight line is no longer possible, firstly they have nuclear weapons, and secondly, a no-contact war too destructive and fleeting, and not interesting to real warriors. Already in the same Korean War, most of the aircraft were shot down by missiles (air battles lost their meaning), and for some reason the machine gun gave way to a flamethrower and most of the soldiers (apparently the Chinese) were simply burned. And North Korea that time was like crematorium.
After all, the current situation looks like in an American film with your hand on a nuclear button. And to fight on a large scale pretending that missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and other means of non-contact combat not exists, will be very difficult because everyone must first agree on this, and more who will control these agreements?