US-China realtions.

Can it be more hot then now?

Posted by S.S. on February 21, 2021

On the high level meeting between the top US diplomat and China. The Us declared that they don't like china and the china answered that it not there US bussiness to decide in the world who is good and who is bad.

There is some claims that there is no the video of whole meeting. Some comments on youtube was why they didn't allow to put on public full VIDEO of the meeting.

The was some information in the Russian Media that all this high level meetings is just a spectacle for public. The all decisions and agreements was decided before in the private talks. And such meetings was only to show the people that something happen.

In 80-es the USA also had important meeting with Soviet Union. Mainly the was about demolishing the weapons. And Soviets as the strongly resist at the beginning of the 80-es, they easily agreed at the end of the 80.

The economic disagreements they didn't discuss, because the soviets already had strong economic problems in that time.

Now in 2021 when the China is very strong, and the USA still can't deal with even covid-19, the elites in the USA want more strong pressure on China to show who is controlling the world.

The first decisions to restrain China was already established while Trump was president. But the effect was more symbolic then realistic. The economic data shows that China continuer it's grow even in pandemic time. USA seriously hitted by coronovirus, having the biggest number of death of covid in the world.

But now, the fight against China, goes first ahead of all other problems.

That a little bit commonthing if you want to unite nation you need to have big outside threat to country. But now some american fight against China understand as fight against asian-americans. And the authorities only declared, that they don't accept such actions, silently allow the individuals to do harrasment on american with asian origin.

In anyway the violens against asians in states not happened first time. And authorities will continuer there political and economic pressure on China without look on what happened with there asian citisens inside country.

The situation is still bad for US and Europe compared to China in a lot of aspects.

However the 1941 and 1942 also was successful for Japan and Germany, but then came 1943 and 1944 year...
