This central Asia country is between Two Asian cultures. The region is considered the "crossroads of Asia",Nicknamed "heart of Asia". Afganistan has beautiful mounties and valleys also produces exelent quality opium, produced from geroine. The production there is the equivalent of all Latin American countries combined.

Afghanistan has always been the center of conquering by neighboring nations. Some explorers nicknamed Afganistan as the "graveyard of the Empires".
Nowdays due to the amount of fotographs and videos of Afganistan, the whole world was surprised, why the most powerful country in the world failed to curb exodus of their populationfrom their country.
The powerful rebels,so called Ta-libs, quickly took over afganistan even Kabul international Airport was put in a trouble. see popular VIDEO where Afghans tried boarding military airplanes.
Later a dead body was found in the aircraft landing gear.
History of afghanistan includes a period of secular state, that was destroyed in 1978 due to the islamic Revolution that happened in the neighboring Iran.
Years later the Democratic Republic Of Afghanistan forces wanted a more secular state and via a revolution, seized power in 1978.
USSR tried to fix them, but failed with its own reforms. At the beginng with the help advisers. the only made the situation worse. That finally quickly led to a war situation.
At the end of the Soviet invasion, USSR recognized the impossibility to deal with the islamic Afghan rebels(who got support from the USA, Saudi Arabian republic and some other states.) and finished there mission.
During the next years the Afghan rebels, who fought against the Soviet Army, lost most of their country to the TALIBAN movement.
Taliban has a more radical way of thinking of islamism. They set more restrictions on women leading them to produce more fighters for their group thus, helping them to size power on the most Afganistan territory.

In 2001 the Americans came into the picture. Due to the attacks on the world trade center in New York in 2001.
This situation turned afganistan into the secular state, allowing women to become army officers.

This did not lead to a decreasing fertility rate in country, and they continued to produce a lot of rebels, many with islamic tuition.

20 years of promotion to the rest of the World, that Afghanistan can be a normal country fell throuh just in a few days.
What next? A rhetorical question. A little history so as can you understand the situation of the country. That will never be stable.
Interesting fact that during Alexander the Great era the country was much more developed then now. Since that time the situation has only become worse.
The most powerful state in History failed, to convert that country into normal state. As an old afganian rebel told a russain journalst in an interview - "We never get tired of the war."