In ancient times, some kind in antiquity, perhaps in the days of ancient Egypt, trans-Saharan trade still existed. At that time there were three most popular commodities gold, salt and slaves. In general, "Blacks" was brought to the north. Now they themselves go through the desert and try to cross the Mediterranean Sea in boats not suitable for this. (The boats adapted for this were quickly destroyed). But in the news, we periodically receive reports of drowned or miraculously rescued immigrants. Those, however, is not always taken wherever They want .

Emigrants do not give up, and despite the formal prohibition of moving to another European state, they continue to storm another water barrier - The English Channel

In another part of the world, a popular president threatens to build a wall on the border with Mexico, despite its existence there for several decades. And to send the national guard for protection, despite the fact that the number of border patrols was doubled even during "OBAMA" rules, and their total number allows USA to go to war on Mexico. Not big legislative changes, like waiting for a court decision on your right to live in the USA in Mexico, it allowed reducing the number of migrants by tens or hundreds of times. But everyone knows about the Wall, about the number of migrants and their conditions of detention, few know.
Australia, for example, like England and the countries of southern Europe, is separated by sea from poor countries. But illegal immigrants Australia brings to Papua new Guinea, a third world country and encourages migrants to apply for the residence of this third world country. In Australia itself, there are no problems with migrants like in Europe or the USA.
Russia, however, outstripped the other countries by number of emigrants in all countries of the world, and even those who from central Africa claim that it is easy to get to Russia. However, the population of Russia remains virtually unchanged.
And on internet forums western countries migration discussed as emotional that it seems they don't have any other problems.