Some Thoughts Concerning Education

It's now declared that's it is the most important thing.

Posted by S.S. on July 16, 2020

The first notes about high education in the world comes to anticue times declare that the first high eduation we can call the Plato academi, was the first high education institute in Europe.

Because well-know that all basic subjects we now study in school were created in Ancient Greece over 334BC(But the first University in Greese in 1837.). The first Official University in World in BOLOGNE, was established over 1088. And in other parts of the world the Universities apperared in 19 century,also in that time was granted access for womans.

In the end of 19-20 centures the number of universities gren rapidly, now we have the Universites or high institusions in every big City and opportunity for study. Sounds nice is'n it? Now in 21 centures a lot Universities and other private companies gives us Opportunity to study any time everyWhere.

The Last High education institute I' ve been entered was only the one university in my city 30 years ago. Now there it's more than 20, despite the population of city did not changed. But the trend to get high education was extremly high.

In the last university, where I am studied the Porfessor of phisics shared his experince, how students passed the exam of quantum mecanics. It was in 2010 in Russia.

  • 20 yeras ago, during the exam he didn't allowed anyone to go out of auditorium or use something.
  • 15 years ago, he allowed to use everyone his own handwritten materials.
  • 10 years ago , he allowed to use everything.
  • 5 years ago, he allowed to go out of auditorium to ask anyone for help.
  • Now he claims that even he allows to do everything. But there is noone able for help...

    When he tell this one women in faculty, he got the reply. No panic, who is now in secondary is more worst then now you have.

    Another one professor on TV declared that primary, middle and high education in Russia better then in the west countries, but the postgraduate education better in the west.

    One more problem in Russia, that some talanted people imigrate to west countries , even in last 30 years that happened a lot, but I can say that this happen even with all 4,3,2 - world countries and even from germany talanted people imigrate to U.S.A. Like ancestor of Trump.

    We can also truck the number of the non West countries students studying in the West Universities and number of the students from West countries studying in non West countries. See some

    In American and in England also in France (probably in other western countries) time by time happened scandles with criminal among students, but ispite of that the wish of people from some countries like South Korea to study abroad very high.

    Now Trump wanted to exile foreing students from the U.S.A. , mostly from China. The court rejected for this, but I gueess this hint for Americans don't hire chineese. We can expect that the high unemloyment will remain in the nearest years, because it's more natural get rid of the Chinese, creating great unemploymanet situation.

    The quality of education is also a thing, because I met some phd holders and looking on them, I had a question in my had, “Where you bought your PHD”. That's possible in Russia and has some demand. Even two people in Moscow asked me about that, if I can sell that, when i worked in the small shop.

    And the last one, in one magazine was wrote a article about the initiativ from two top managers of one prestijious university in America, to cancel students community, called “final clubs”. The story was about that they don't want any student unions on the campus that have restrictions to participarte for womens, probably sexual orientation and race. They disscussed in the two page article, where was only one small opinion from the opposite side.

    “ They want on campus everyone looking different, but thinking alike ”

    I guess not only on the campus of american prestigious Universities...


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