They call her fake russian heiress.

The fake heiress with Russian origin pretended on the role of millionaire.

Posted by S.S. on January 21, 2021

The story blown in the world leading media. There is a lot of fraud in modern world but what, according to industry tracker Chartbeat, it is believed to be the sixth most-read story of that year, worldwide.

Now after the release from the prison she has a contract with Netflix on the movie based on her story.

There is to much thing that caused a questions from her story described in the Media:

  • Why she got 4-12 years in the prison just for fraud of 275000 from just two hotels and one bank?
  • Why the details of her fraud are not disclosed and her story has different versions in Media?
  • Why the big movie companies fight for exclusive rights on her story ?
  • Yes she told to richs and may be for banks her fake name in intention to get good contacts. And then even they knew her just for days she asked them to borrow for her 35000US$. Of course even others rich people rejected, one her girl-friend agreed to pay the bill of 60000US$ for luxurious hotel in Morocco. But then her best ex-girl-friend wrote a book my friend Anna.

    The city bank in New York rejected to give her a loan for 22 000 000 US$ for creating an art gallery, but even she was on tourist visa in US it agreed to give her an overdraft in 100 000 US$.

    The Luxurious hotel allowed her to live without checking her credit card because someone decided that she is an exclusive client and believed her promise to make a bank transfer later.

    So totally she fraud two hotels and try to fraud one bank. In spite of rejection for loan she got a credit there. And for that she spend 3 and half years in prison, but she pleaded not guilty in crime.

    So fraud has very different in opinion of legislatives in the different countries. In such countries of freedom like USA you can didn't get any punishment for more fraud or get for just for fraud on 275 000 US$ up to 12 years in prison. Because they declare freedom for you, but also give a lot of freedom for police and courts.

    And of course such controversial event in juridical practice gathered a lot of attention and some comments in social media. I picked up some to you from youtube.

    She did well. If she can blend into a high-society with a fake identity, this also means that the high-society is also as fake as she is.

    Just goes to show you, if you scam the poor you’re a bank, if you scam the rich, you go to jail.

    lesson of the day... if you are poor, don't ask for a 2000$ loan, ask for 20 M

    Just goes to show you, if you scam the poor you’re a bank, if you scam the rich, you go to jail.

    The real question is how many people succeeded with this and similar schemes and we don't know.

    She got too caught up in the "rich life" throwing parties and flexing at expensive hotels. Should've just focused on getting that loan and buying and turning that property into mad profit then enjoyed the fruits of her "labor". She did it backwards.

    You can leave your commnts here.
